What is useful and harmful pomegranate for health: properties of the plant
Pomegranate is a tree or deciduous shrub with a large number of fruits. It is appreciated for the taste and useful qualities of not only berries, but also other parts. It is used not only as a separate delicacy, but is also added to various drinks, salads, second courses and juices.
Benefits and harm to the body
Almost all parts of the grenade are used in various industries:
- flowers;
- leaves;
- peel;
- grains;
- bones;
- bark;
- roots.
Any part contains a lot of useful components and has certain properties. For example, the bark is rich in tannins and has disinfecting properties. Bark is a natural antiseptic that is often used in the treatment of infectious diseases. But the most famous are the aboveground parts of the pomegranate tree.
Leaves and flowers
Inflorescences and leaves are used for brewing pomegranate tea, which is considered a very useful drink. The leaves contain substances with healing and soothing properties, phytoncides, vitamin C. Pomegranate leaves are an effective remedy for cuts, skin problems, infectious diseases and inflammatory processes.
Inflorescences are used to make dietary tea. It normalizes the work of the stomach and metabolic processes, promotes weight loss, removes toxins. Tea made from pomegranate leaves and flowers can be used to prevent seasonal colds and strengthen immunity.
Fruits and seeds
The peel and membrane of the fruit is used as a decoction. In this form, they most of all give tannins, useful for indigestion and burns.
There is an opinion that eating bones is harmful. That they are not digested and can cause inflammation of the appendix. At the present time, this theory has not been proven, but it should not be abused.
Also, bones can have a negative effect on chronic diseases of the digestive tract and on children under the age of 3 years.
The bone base is used in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disorders. It shows itself well in maintenance therapy for obesity, diabetes, hormonal problems. It has a positive effect on the immune status, is used as an antibacterial and antiviral agent.
Composition and vitamins
The popularity of the plant is due to a set of substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Each part of the plant has its own distinctive composition. In order to properly use pomegranate, you should know what components are contained in its constituent parts.
Fruits and seeds
Fruits are very rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers. Berry is considered a supplier of vitamins C and P, group B (in particular, B6 and B12), calcium, iron, potassium and iodine. Fruit juice is useful for anemia, due to the high content of vegetable acids – malic, citric, oxalic, tartaric, amber. There is a large amount of tannins in the film partitions (membranes) and the peel.
Important! There are pomegranates with different sugar content – sour and sweet. Despite this, any fruit is considered low-calorie.
Components of the composition of the bones:
- vitamins (A, E, B);
- sodium;
- iron;
- manganese;
- magnesium;
- calcium;
- potassium;
- tannins;
- unsaturated fatty acids;
- iodine;
- sodium;
- phytohormones.
This is not a complete list, but it shows how useful the use of pomegranate seeds with pits is.
Pomegranate oil
The base of pomegranate seeds is considered a unique remedy due to its chemical composition. The oil consists of acids — lunic and pomegranate (65-85%), stearic, linoleic, oleic, palmitic (a small amount). The content of vitamin E is equal to its amount in wheat germ oil.
In addition, the set of useful components includes phytosterols — active tocopherols, stigmasterol, campesterol, beta-sitosterol. Substances prevent the development of cancer cells and reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol.
Useful actions
Regular consumption of fruits brings very good results:
- strengthening blood vessels and improving blood quality;
- reliable prevention of dysentery and tuberculosis;
- protection from the development of heart diseases, anemia, vitamin deficiency;
- harmonious work of the liver and kidneys;
- cleaning of toxins and slags;
- increased immune status.
It is very important to know that not only fruits and pomegranate juice have healing properties. Therefore, you should not throw away the rest of the plant, especially if it grows on the site.
Healing qualities of flowers and leaves
Pomegranate leaves and flowers are used when:
- Treatment of cuts and burns. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction that will need to treat damage to the skin. Lotions, compresses, wipes are recommended.
- Infectious and inflammatory manifestations. You can brew tea, make a decoction or infusion. These products relieve swelling and pain well, reduce inflammation. It is good to use decoctions for the prevention of viral and colds.
- Cleansing the body. Tea is useful for weight loss, it accelerates metabolic processes.
Infusion or tea is not a medicine, it has a mild effect.
Berries and seeds
The pulp and seeds of the grains are very useful for the female body, especially with violations of the monthly cycle. Eating berries will make it easier to transfer menopausal symptoms, prevent the development of anemia.
It is recommended to regularly consume pomegranate fruits at the first signs of aging. Medicinal components of berries gently regulate the hormonal background.
Another area of fruit use is cosmetic. This is especially true for women over the age of 50. Useful substances of pomegranate have a disinfecting, whitening effect, help in the treatment of the first wrinkles and acne.
The berry also has a beneficial effect on the male body. Regular consumption of pomegranate fruits restores reproductive function, raises the supply of testosterone, increases the overall endurance of the body. It is recommended to introduce pomegranate intake into the diet of athletes and those engaged in heavy work.
Bones have many very useful qualities. In order not to cause digestive problems, you can dry them and grind them.
The effect of taking the powder:
- getting rid of headaches;
- normalization of the hormonal background;
- reduction of blood pressure.
Tannins allow the use of pomegranate seeds in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and tuberculosis bacillus, as well as as a disinfectant. Phytohormones are involved in the normalization of the thyroid gland.
Bones bring great benefits in cosmetology. The presence of vitamins A, E and F allows them to be used to rejuvenate the skin of the face and renew the cells of the epidermis. The decoction makes an excellent remedy for compresses.
Pomegranate oil is obtained from the seeds of berries. It has a unique composition in which every component is important. A successful combination of useful substances allows you to use the oil for:
- cleansing the body of toxins and toxins;
- treatment of anemia, anemia, initial stages of cancer;
- normalization of the cardiovascular system.
Important! Recommendations for use are more preventive and supportive in nature. Oil cannot replace the necessary medications.
Taking oil strengthens the immune system, helps to resist seasonal colds.
Harm and contraindications
Like any plant, a tree is not devoid of properties that require careful handling. At the same time, each part of it has its own characteristics.
Leaves and inflorescences
You should not get carried away with a drink made of leaves and flowers with increased acidity, exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, metabolic disorders and pregnancy. It should also be remembered that moderate use of decoctions, infusions and tea is necessary. Be sure to monitor the individual manifestations of the body. Even simple pomegranate flower tea can cause allergic reactions. It is not recommended to give the drink to children under 3 years old.
Berries and seeds
The most popular way to consume pomegranate is to prepare juice. Undiluted juice requires careful intake. It is contraindicated for people with digestive problems, especially with increased acidity of gastric juice. In this case, you should drink the juice in a diluted form and very dosed.
After drinking the juice, you need to rinse your mouth so that the acid does not corrode the tooth enamel.
Pomegranate fruit juice has a strengthening effect, so it is contraindicated for constipation. It also reduces blood pressure – hypotonics should refrain from drinking this drink.
Contraindications to the use of pomegranate oil are the period of pregnancy and lactation. This is due to an incomplete study of the effect of the oil components on the body of young children. Another important reason to stop using the product is allergic manifestations. In this case, the oil intake should be stopped.
Methods of application
The main areas of application of berries are:
- Traditional medicine. All parts of the plant are present in the recipes.
- Cooking. A huge number of dishes, sauces, drinks in the kitchens of any country in the world.
- Cosmetology. Most often used oil, decoctions of flowers and leaves.
In addition to these methods, you can also note dietetics as a separate field of application.