Goryanka for potency

Goryanka (also known as “Horny Goat Weed”) in European culture has a second name — the flower of the elves, and in scientific literature it is called “epimedium”. Folk medicine has come to love the cute spring primrose for its ability to positively influence men’s and women’s health. A beautiful and, at the same time, medicinal plant strongly stimulates potency, relieves infertility of men and women, relieves the symptoms of menopause.

Goryanka lead to the release of adrenaline into the blood, stimulate the production of testosterone. Which leads to sexual arousal and prolonged erection. For such properties, goryanka is called “green Viagra”. Prosaic Chinese have come up with a somewhat rude designation “grass of a lustful goat”.

Goryanka is more harmless than the synthesized analogue – Viagra, but there are also contraindications to its use.

Useful properties of goryanka

The property of maintaining a healthy, full-fledged sexual function in men and women gives a special value to the goryanka. Oriental healers have long appreciated the strengthening and stimulating qualities of the plant. Goryanka extract promotes overall rejuvenation of the body, enhances libido in men and women. These qualities explain the comparison of the plant with Viagra.

Goryanka is able to strengthen the central nervous system, protect the body from the harmful effects of physical, chemical, biological factors, reduces the concentration of stress hormones — cortisol.

A medicinal product containing goryanka has the following effect:

  • Normalizes renal activity, restores urination.
  • Restores the regulation of fluid in the body.
  • Dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure.
  • Restores diuresis.
  • Normalizes the heart rate.
  • Improves hepatic blood flow.
  • Activates reproductive functions.
  • Stimulates the production of testosterone in men.
  • Prevents rapid ejaculation.
  • Increases the production of estrogen in women during menopause.
  • Increases sexual attraction.
  • Rejuvenates the body’s systems.
  • Eliminates chronic fatigue.
  • Relieves psychoemotional tension.
  • Retains moisture in the skin, preventing the formation of wrinkles and its aging.
  • Relieves signs of dizziness.
  • It has an anti-asthmatic, antitussive, expectorant effect.
  • Strengthens and tones the body.

How does the goryanka on potency?

Icariin is an active element of goryanka, which is able to increase blood flow in the vessels of the penis, thereby stimulating an erection. Icariin also enhances the synthesis of testosterone, affects the content of sperm in sperm, increasing their number, and in addition, during postmenopause increases the level of estrogen in the female body.

If we talk in more detail about the influence on male sexual power, then goryanka:

  1. Increases sexual attraction.
  2. Increases sexual activity.
  3. Increases the duration of an erection.
  4. Prevents premature ejaculation.
  5. Relieves fatigue.
  6. Eliminates potency disorders that have a psychogenic origin.
  7. Activates the synthesis of hormones that affect the production of free testosterone.
  8. Improves blood supply in the vessels and cavernous bodies of the penis, providing a stable erection.
  9. It affects the quality of sperm — increasing the concentration of active spermatozoa, increases the likelihood of conception.
  10. Prevents the development of diseases of the genitourinary system, prostate gland, increases the overall protective functions of the body.
  11. Makes the process of foreplay and sexual intercourse more vivid due to the activation of the erogenous zones of the pelvis.
  12. Allows a man to feel pleasant emotions at the moment of orgasm.
  13. It affects the overall endurance, which makes it possible to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  14. Strengthens the body, reduces the interval between sexual acts.

Goryanka has such a powerful effect only when its leaves are eaten fresh. Decoctions and tinctures from dried leaves have a mild effect and are not so pronounced.

Among other things, goryanka has a nootropic effect, so the dosage in fresh form should be strictly dosed and be careful when using it!

Where does goryanka grow? Growing conditions

Goryanka is a fairly common plant in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe – China, Japan, North Korea, Turkey, Croatia. The name “goryanka” came from the places where this flower was found — mountain forests, hills.

The most common types of goryanka:

  1. The red goryanka is the result of crossing large-colored and Alpine goryanka. The height of the plant is 35-40 cm, growing upwards. The leaves have a red border. The buds are small, up to 1.5 cm, may have pink and yellow color.
  2. The Colchian goryanka is up to 30 cm high . The leaves are green, with a glossy surface. The flowers are yellow. The flowering period is from 10 to 15 days, in late May — early June.

Goryanka tolerates winter well, blooms every year. After the flowering period, it attracts beautiful leaves that look like hearts. Refers to evergreens. In the conditions of our latitudes, the leaves after winter have a sluggish appearance, so it is difficult to consider goryanka beautiful in early spring. New leaves grow gradually, which by the time of flowering completely cover the peduncles. Some gardeners prefer to preserve last year’s leaves by sheltering the plant for the winter. It is important to understand here that old leaves prevent the growth of new ones, so another part of amateurs simply cuts them off. The mulching of the goryanka occurs with leaves falling from the shrubs that grow above it.

It is best to plant goryanka on moist soils without stagnation of water. If groundwater passes nearby, it is necessary to take care of drainage. The soil should be neutral, sufficiently nutritious and loose. It is best to choose a suitable place in partial shade. The sun causes burning and fading of leaves in the Goryanka, and the shadow does not provide full—fledged conditions for flowering. Young plants are mulched for the winter, protected from frost. It is necessary to water the goryanka only during extreme heat and prolonged drought. The rhizome of the plant is quite tender and may suffer from fertilizers, so fertilizing should be carried out very carefully. As a fertilizer, it is good to use overripe organic components.

Types of goryanka

The genus epimedium consists of 50 species that differ in the color of flowers — white, pink, purple, red, yellow, multicolored.

The height of the plant varies from 15 to 50 cm . Stems, as such, are absent from the mountain woman, their role is performed by creeping rhizomes. Buds are formed on them, leaves and peduncles develop.

Reproduction occurs by the growth of the rhizome. In a goryanka, this process takes place independently, rather slowly. If the location is chosen successfully, the plant does not need to be transplanted for several years. Loosening of the goryanka can lead to damage to the rhizome, so it is better to perform mulching. Humus is suitable for this. The rhizome of the plant does not deepen.

Contraindications to the use of goryanka

The plant contains active biological components that are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Children’s age.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • The likelihood of developing allergic reactions.
  • Thyroid dysfunction.

Before you start taking goryanka in the form of folk recipes or ready-made medicines, you should consult with your doctor to prevent the development of undesirable effects. It is especially important to do this if medication is prescribed for impotence.

An increase in the therapeutic dosage may cause side effects in the form of:

  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Dry mouth.

If such symptoms appear, the intake of the goryanka should be suspended until they are completely eliminated. In case of repeated occurrence of negative phenomena, it is necessary to consult a doctor for medical assistance.

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